Unit Three: What Do Managers Do? Part One: Exercises1. Self-Assessment: Management Traits pages 7-8 in Lussier
2. Skill Builder 2: Management Styles, pages 31-33 in Lussier
Part Two: Email Application Activities
(Group assignment) After viewing the video vignette, identify the following: 1) What management skills did you observe and how would you evaluate their use? 2) What management functions did you observe and how would you evaluate their use? 3) What managerial roles did you observe and how would you evaluate their use? which of the eight roles the manager used. Please be sure to explain your answers.
(Individual assignment) Email me a memo outlining the results of Skill Builder 1: Comparing Management Skills (page 31 in Lussier)
Part Three: Textbook Assignment
Read chapter one in Lussier
Part Four: Unit Outline with Reading Assignments
I. What do Managers Do?
A. John P. Kotter, "What Effective General Managers Really Do," HBR, Mar/Apr99
1. Setting agendas
2. Networking
B. H. Mintzberg, Manager's Job: "Folklore or Fact", HBR, March 1990
1. H. Mintzberg, "Musings on Management," HBR, Jul/Aug96
H. Mintzberg and the roles of managersa. The nature of managerial work
3. The types of managerial work
C. Robert L. Katz, "The Skills of an Effective Administrator," HBR, Sept 1974
1. Technical
2. Human
a. Thomas Teal, The Human Side of Management, HBR, Nov/Dec 1996
b. James Waldroop and Timothy Butler, "The executive as coach,"HBR, Nov/Dec96
3. Conceptual
D. Facilitating the accomplishment of the organization's intended results
A. Operations
1. Maintaining the flow of operations
2. Encouraging innovation and change
B. People
II. Managerial Roles
A. Mintzberg
B. Robert Quinn
III. Management Functions
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Leading
D. Controlling
V. The levels of management in an organization
A. Strategic
B. Middle
C. Operational
VI. What Makes for a Great Manager
A. Heike Bruch and Sumantra Ghostal, Beware the Busy Manager, HBR, February 2002
VII. Examples of managers