Unit Thirteen: Power and Politics
Part One: Assessment Activities
1. Self- Assessment: Use of Political Behavior, Lussier, page 320
2. Determine Your Influence Quotient
3. Power and Politics Exercise
Part Two: Email Application Activities
(Individual assignment) Email me a memo identifying a present or past manager. Which power bases did/does the manager use most often. Explain. Also give at least one example of another power base you saw the manager use.
(Group assignment) Prepare an essay for me identifying the power bases and their effective or ineffective uses for the video shown in class.
Part Three: Textbook Assignment
Read pages 315-323 in Lussier.
Part Four: Unit Outline with Reading Assignments
I. Sources of power
A. Position power (authority)
B. Information and expertise
C. Control of rewards
D. Coercive power
E. Alliances and networks
F. Access to and control of agendas
G. Control of meaning and symbols and
H. Personal powerII. The nature of power in organizations
B. Jay A. Conger, "The necessary art of persuasion," HBR, May-June 1998, (#98304)
C. John Kotter, Power, dependence, and effective management, HBR, (#77409)
D. Gary A. Williams and Robert B. Miller, Change the Way You Persuade, HBR, May 2002
III. The nature of politics in organizations
A. Abraham Zaleznik, Power and politics in organizational life, HBR, (#70313)