Unit Seven: Organizing: How Will You Put the Pieces Together?
Part One: Assessment Activities
1. Self-Assessment: Personal Priorities (Lussier pages 214-15)
2. Hackman-Oldham Job Diagnostic Survey
3. Delegation Self-Assessment (Do this for your manager)
Part Two: Email Application Activities
(Group assignment) Refer to the company I assigned your team in the Planning Unit. Discuss the type of departmentalization used. Which of sport's model configurations best describes your organization and why? Are work teams used? If so explain.
(Individual assignment) Select a manager you work for or have worked for and analyze how well she or he implements the four steps of delegation (Lussier, page 219). Which steps does the manager typically follow and not follow?
Part Three: Textbook Assignment
Read chapters 6 in Lussier.
Part Four: Unit Outline with Reading Assignments
I. Designing the structure of an organization
A. Division of labor
1. Specialization
a. Job
b. Social
2. Span of control
3. Location
B. Coordination
1. Mintzberg on Organizational Coordinating Mechanisms
a. Standardization
C. Control
D. Overview
1. Tracy Kidder's Soul of a New Machine
II. Structural types
A. Henry Mintzberg, Organization Design Fashion or Fit, HBR (#8110)
1. Simple
5. Adhocracy
B. Gareth Morgan
III. Changing the organization
A. Organizational life cycles
2. Suzy Wetlaufer, Driving Change, HBR, March-April 1999, #99211
1. Restructuring
a. Examples
1. Xerox
IV. The Organization of the Future
A. Struggle to create an organization for the 21st century, Fortune Magazine, April 3, 1995.
1. The Horizontal Organization
a. Bibliography
B. Flat and happy, Training, April 1995.
D. JoAnn Greco, "Designing for the 21st century," Journal of Business Strategy, Nov-Dec 1998
VII. Learning to delegate
VIII. Organizational change