Unit Twelve: Understanding Motivation

Part One: Assessment Activities

1. Self-Assessment: What Motivates You (Lussier page 434)

2. Self-Assessment: Acquired Needs (Lussier pages 435-36)

2. View Army Basic Training

3. Motivation Questionnaire

Part Two: Email Application Activities

(Individual assignment) Prepare a memo with your results from Skill Builder 2: Self-Motivation.

(Group assignment) Prepare an essay applying the major school of motivation theory to Marine Corp recruit training. 

Part Three: Textbook Assignment

Read chapter twelve in Lussier

Part Four: Unit Outline with Reading Assignments

I. Motivation

    A. Theories of motivation.  

        1. Needs Hierarchy

            a. Maslow

            b. Alderefer's ERG Theory

            c. Herzberg's Hygiene Factors Theory

                 1. Fredrick Herzberg, One more time how do you motivate employees, HBR (#87502)

                2. Herzberg Motivation Inventory (GCC, Bus 205)

                3. What is behind decline in worker morale?

            d. McClelland's Three Needs Theory

                1. Thematic Appreciation Test

                1. David C. McClelland, David H. Burnham, Power is the great motivator, HBR, (#95108)

        2. Equity Theory

            a. Exchange Theories

        3. Expectancy Theory

            a. Vroom

II. Examples of motivation

    A. The role of a manager in the failure of an employee.

    B. Organizational Behavior, Individual Behavior, Motivation through needs, job design, and satisfaction,   Irwin/McGraw Hill CD.

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