Unit Ten: Leadership
Part One: Assessment Activities
1. Take a look at FedEx's Nine Faces of Leadership
Part Two: Email Application Activities
(Individual assignment) Prepare a memo outlining the most commonly used normative leadership decision-making style used by your manager. How appropriate is this style?
(Group assignment) Prepare an an essay answering the questions for the Objective Case: Wilson Sporting Goods (Luiiser, pages 482-83). Be sure to explain your answers!
Part Three: Textbook Assignment
Read chapter thirteen in Lussier.
Part Four: Unit Outline with Reading Assignments
I. Leadership
C. Do you have what it takes to be a leader?
1. "A Leader's Eyeview of Leadership," NYT, Oct 10, 1999
D. What Makes a Leader? By: Goleman, Daniel; Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec98, Vol. 76 Issue 6, p93, 11p, 1 chart, 2c
F. Covert Leadership: Notes on Managing Professionals. By: Mintzberg, Henry; Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec98, Vol. 76 Issue 6, p140, 8p, 1 diagram, 1c
a. Overview of Blanchard model
C. Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid
III. Rethinking Leadership Theories
A. Abraham Zaleznik, Managers and leaders: are they different, HBR, #77312
B. Peter Drucker, Not enough generals were killed! (qualities of effective leaders) (excerpt from "Leader of the Future") Forbes, April 8, 1996 v157 n7 pS104(1) (Business ASAP) .
C. Harley's Leadership U-Turn. By: Teerlink, Rich; Harvard Business Review, Jul/Aug2000, Vol. 78 Issue 4, p43, 6p, 1c