Unit Ten: Leadership

Part One: Assessment Activities

1. Take a look at FedEx's Nine Faces of Leadership

2. Managerial Grid

Part Two: Email Application Activities

(Individual assignment) Prepare a memo outlining the most commonly used normative leadership decision-making style used by your manager.  How appropriate is this style? 

(Group assignment) Prepare an an essay answering the questions for the Objective Case: Wilson Sporting Goods (Luiiser, pages 482-83).  Be sure to explain your answers!

Part Three: Textbook Assignment

Read chapter thirteen in Lussier.

Part Four: Unit Outline with Reading Assignments

I. Leadership

   A. Sharing Leadership

   B. Definitions of leadership

   C. Do you have what it takes to be a leader

       1. "A Leader's Eyeview of Leadership," NYT, Oct 10, 1999

      2. The leader of the future

   D. What Makes a Leader? By: Goleman, Daniel; Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec98, Vol. 76 Issue 6, p93, 11p, 1 chart, 2c

    E. Ronald A. Heifetz; Donald L. Laurie, "The work of leadership," Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 1997 v75 n1 p124(11) 

    F. Covert Leadership: Notes on Managing Professionals. By: Mintzberg, Henry; Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec98, Vol. 76 Issue 6, p140, 8p, 1 diagram, 1c

II. Theories of leadership

    A. Situational Leadership

        1. Hersey and Blanchard

            a. Overview of Blanchard model

        2. Fiedler and Vroom-Jago

        3. Vroom-Yetton-Jago

    B. Theatrics of Leadership

    C. Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid

    D. Trait Approach

    E. Behavioral Approach

III. Rethinking Leadership Theories

IV. Leaders and managers

    A. Abraham Zaleznik, Managers and leaders: are they different, HBR, #77312

    B. Peter Drucker, Not enough generals were killed! (qualities of effective leaders) (excerpt from "Leader of the Future") Forbes, April 8, 1996 v157 n7 pS104(1) (Business ASAP) .

   C. Harley's Leadership U-Turn. By: Teerlink, Rich; Harvard Business Review, Jul/Aug2000, Vol. 78 Issue 4, p43, 6p, 1c

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