Unit Nine: Working with Others: Groups vs Teams, Communications, Managing Conflict
Part One: Assessment Activities
1. Assessment Activity: Are You a Team Player (Lussier page 351)
3. Team Profile
4. Team Effectiveness Inventory
5. Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (Site A) Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (Site B if Site A is down)
6. Team Effectiveness: Meeting Evaluation Form
8. Team vs individual Orientation Test
9. Self-Assessment: Listening Skills (Lussier, page 401)
Part Two: Email Application Activities
(Individual assignment) Send me a memo summarizing and interpreting the results of the Skill Builder 2: Group Performance (Lussier pages 380-381) for your in-class group.
(Individual assignment) Send me a memo outlining which of the four frames best fits you. Also please explain how using the four frames can help you better understand a conflict situation at work.
Part Three: Textbook Assignment
Read pages 324-328 and chapters ten and eleven in Lussier.
Part Four: Unit Outline with Reading Assignments
I. The nature of groups and teams
1. Thomas J. Hackett, "Giving Teams a Tune Up," HR Focus, November 1997.
2. Jon Katzenbach, The discipline of teams, HBR, March 1997 (#93207).
3. Carl E. Larson and Frank M.J. LaFasto, Team Work , London: Sage Press, 1989.
B. Basic guide to working in teams
1. Developing Groups
a. Purpose
b. Membership
c. Organization
d. Leadership
a. Empowerment
b. Mentoring
1. Team Management Index
2. The Questions
1. More on stages in team development
f. Group Processes
1. Group roles
2. Norms
4. Groupthink
C. Characteristics of high performing teams
II. Communications
A. What is Communications?
B. The Four Frames as Identified by Bolman and Deal
C. Genderlect
1. Deborah Tannen, Power of talk: who gets heard and why, HBR (#95510)
2. Communicating with the Opposite Sex
A. The Seven Deadly Sins of Meetings
VI. Examples of teams in action