Unit Sixteen:   Assessing Your Management Style

Part One: Assessment Activities


1. Self-Assessment: Personality Traits, Lussier, page 309   

2.  Test Your Personality  (A version of MBTI)

    A. Interpreting Your Results

    B. Resources on MBTI

3. Am I a Type-A

    A. Explanation of type-A

4. What's Your Emotional Quotient? 

5. Evaluate Your Current Stress Level

6. Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation in Behavior

   A. Interpreting scores

7. The Dewey Color System

8. Five Factor Model of Personality


9.  Self-Assessment: Personality Type and Stress, Lussier, page 335

10. Self-Assessment: Entrepreneurial Qualities, Lussier, page 92

11.  Locus of Control 

12. Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale 


14.  Self-Assessment: Personal Priorities, Lussier, pages 214-215

15. Skill Builder 2: Ethics and Whistle Blowing, Lussier, page 75

16. Values Questionnaire  


17. Are You a Left Brain or Right Brain Individual?

18.  What is Your Preferred Learning Style?

    A. Explanation of the test

19. Test your preferred perceptual modality

    A. Explanation of perceptual modalities


20. Time Management Evaluation

21. Self-Assessment: Time Management Techniques, Lussier, pages 190-192

Part Two: Email Application Activities

(Individual assignment) Prepare an outline summarizing the results of the self-assessment exercises done for class.  For each test identify each test, the purpose of the test, your results, and what your results mean.  At the end of your outline write a summary self profile, including here common themes and  the implication of this profile for you as a manager.  You may want to organize your results according to the major categories highlighted above.  

Part Three: Textbook Assignment

Read pages 306-315 in Lussier

Part Four: Unit Outline with Reading Assignments

I. The importance of understanding your management style

    A. Peter Drucker, "Managing Oneself," HBR, March-April 1999

    B. The discipline of building character. By: Badaracco Jr., Joseph L.; Harvard Business Review, Mar/Apr98, Vol. 76 Issue 2, p114, 11p, 3c

II. Tests on the Web

    A. Emode

    B. ivillage

    C. All the Tests

    D. The University of Houston

II. Keirsey

III. LIFO Success Profile

IV. Types of Intelligence 

V. IQ and Personality Tests

VI. Behavioral self-management


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