Unit One: The Evolution of Management Thought

Part One: Exercises

Self-Assessment: McGregor Theory X and Theory Y Leadership Behavior, pages 462-63 in Lussier

Part Two: Email Application Activities

(Individual assignment) Prepare a memo outlining which school(s) of management thought best describes your manager.  Be sure to explain your answer. 

Part Three: Textbook Assignment

Read pages 37-43 in Lussier

Part Four: Unit Outline with Reading Assignments

I. The Prelude to Management Theories  

    A. Pyramids

    B. Alexander the Great

    C. Rome

    D. The Catholic Church

    E. Michelangelo

    F. The Craft Age (to c1750)

    G. The Industrial Revolution (1750-1950)

        1. The Steam engine (James Watt and Matthew Boulton, c1765)

            a. Production

            b. Wealth Creation

            c. Distribution

        2. Specialization (Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776)

            a. Industrial Revolution in England

        3. Machine tools and interchangeable parts

        4. Mass production and assembly line

            a. Henry Ford

II. Review of 20th Century Management Theories

    A. 75 years of management ideas and practice 1922-1997. By: Sibbet, David; Harvard Business Review, Sep/Oct97 Supplement, Vol. 75 Issue 5, p1, 10p, 1 diagram, 2c, 6bw  

    B. Linear Approaches to Management (cause and effect theories)

        1. Scientific management and Taylor  

            a. Taylor's Principles of Scientific Management

            b. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

            c. Management Science

        2. Bureaucracy and Administrative Management  

            a. Max Weber

            b. Henri Fayol

        3. Management Science

        4. Human Relations (Behavioral Theory) Management   

            a. Elton Mayo

             b. McGregor & Theory X & Y  

            c. Mary Parker Follett  

            d. Ouchi and Theory Z  

    C. Non Linear Approaches to Management   

        1. Systems Management  

            a. Ludwig von Bertalanffy  

            b. Russell Ackoff

            c. Peter Senge

                1. The learning organization  

            d. W. Edwards Deming  

            e. Cybernetics

        2. Sociotechnical theory

    D.  Contingency Theory

IV. The Explosion of Management Books and Articles since WWII

V. Management theories and other cultures

IV. The future of management

    A. Peter Drucker on the future of the knowledge worker 

    B. Peter Drucker, Management's New Paradigms," Forbes, Oct 5, 1998, pp 152ff

        1. Management applies to all organizations.

        2. You don't manage people, you lead them.

        3. Management exists for the sake of the institution's results.

    C. Peter Drucker, Management Challenges for the 21st Century

    D. Peter Drucker, They're not Employees, They're People, HBR, February 2002

V. Literature and the evolution of modern management

    A. Charles Dickens, Hard Times, 1854

        1. Get a glimpse into a Northern England in the midst of industrialization.

    B. Upton Sinclair, The Jungle

        1. Get a glimpse of the meat packing industry in Chicago at the turn of the 20th century.


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